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1155 Timber Dr E
GARNER, NC 27529

Facility Type: Restaurant

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Location: 1155 Timber Dr E GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 08/23/2024
Score: 97.5

#  Comments Points
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Found a small but overfilled container of potato salad temping at 48 F in the cold well unit. Maintain TCS items at 41 F or below for cold holding. Discuss using metal containers to help absorb heat from the food items and to not overfill containers. CDI- item broken down into two metal containers and rapidly cool down. 0.0
24. 3-501.19; Priority Foundation; Facility holds fried chicken wings, okra and hush puppies on time as public health control (TPHC). Upon arrival, noted trays of fried okra and chicken wings were missing their time stamps. The food is marked or otherwise identified to indicate the time that is 4 hours past the point in time when the food is rendered a Time/Temperature Control for Safety of Food. REHS provided TPHC guidance form and discussed TPHC procedure during inspection. TCS items shall be marked to indicate their discard time (4 hours past removal from temperature control). CDI- Education provided, items correctly labeled. 1.5
37. 3-302.12; Core; Noted label missing on a bulk container of sugar in the dry storage area. Except for containers holding FOOD that can be readily and unmistakably recognized such as dry pasta, working containers holding FOOD or FOOD ingredients that are removed from their original packages for use in the FOOD ESTABLISHMENT, such as cooking oils, flour, herbs, potato flakes, salt, spices, and sugar shall be identified with the common name of the FOOD. 0.0
41. 4-101.16; Core; Noted wet wiping cloths stored in containers of soapy water as opposed to sanitizer solution. Keep wet wiping cloths in sanitizer solution in between use. Maintain chlorine sanitizer solution between 50-200 ppm while use. CDI- chlorine santizer solution remade to 150 ppm. 0.5
47. 4-501.11; Core; Noted the 3-door reach-in cooler is no longer working. No time/ temperature control food items (TCS) currently held in noted unit. EQUIPMENT shall be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the requirements specified under Parts 4 1 and 4-2. 0.5
47. 4-501.11; Core; The racks in the walk-in cooler are beginning to rust out. EQUIPMENT shall be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the requirements specified under Parts 4 1 and 4-2. 0.0
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Location: 1155 Timber Dr E GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 04/24/2024
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
23. 3-501.18; Priority; Upon arrival, observed containers of chicken salad (2/22), pork bbq (3/27) and hot dogs (3/27) held past the maximum 7 days. TCS items may be held for no more than 7 days with the day of prep counting as day one. CDI- items discarded. 1.5
33. 3-501.15; Priority Foundation; Found a few tightly wrapped containers of chicken skins and turkey wings cooling in the walk in cooler. Noted TCS items cooling between 130- 52 F. Quickly cool TCS items using vented, shallow containers. CDI- lid and seran wrap removed from noted items in order to increase cooling rate. 0.0
47. 4-501.11; Core; Gaskets on the reach in refrigerator and walk in cooler are torn/poor repair. EQUIPMENT shall be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the requirements specified under Parts 4 1 and 4-2. 0.5
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Location: 1155 Timber Dr E GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 02/01/2024
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
21. Observation: TCS (temperature control safety) foods not holding 135F or higher in the hh cabinets. Cooked turkey legs (121F), cooked pork ribs (127F)3-501.16(A)(1) ; Priority; (A) Except during preparation, cooking, or cooling, or when time is used as the public health control as specified under sec.3 501.19, and except as specified under par. (B) and in par. (C ) of this section, POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) shall be maintained: (1) At 57oC (135oF) or above CDI: Operator removed products from service. CDI: Operator reheated food product found in hh cabinet (turkey legs rh - 167F); (ribs rh - 173F) 1.5
47. Observation; The can opener blade is dull. Gaskets on the reach in refrigerator torn/poor repair. 4-501.11; Core; (A) EQUIPMENT shall be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the requirements specified under Parts 4 1 and 4-2. (B) EQUIPMENT components such as doors, seals, hinges, fasteners, and kick plates shall be kept intact, tight, and adjusted in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. (C) Cutting or piercing parts of can openers shall be kept sharp to minimize the creation of metal fragments that can contaminate FOOD when the container is opened. 0.5
47. Observation: The air temperature measuring device for the hot holding cabinet is not displaying the correct temperature/poor repair. 4-502.11(A) and (C); Core C) Ambient air temperature, water pressure, and water TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICES shall be maintained in good repair and be accurate within the intended range of use.; 0.0
General Comments
Monitor hot holding products to ensure cabinets are adjusted to correct temperature and humidity to maintain food products at 135F or higher during hold.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 1155 Timber Dr E GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 08/10/2023
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
21. 3-501.16(A)(1) ; Priority; Found a contianer of collard greens temping between 122-123 F at the bottom of the hot hold cabinet. Keep all time/temperature control for Safety Foods at 135 F or above for hot holding. CDI- EHS instructed PIC to reheat noted container and place back in hot holding. 1.5
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Found a container of cooked rice temping between 45/46 F in the walk-in cooler. Further discussion determine container of rice may have possible been improperly cooled the night before. Keep all TCS items at 41 F or below for cold holding. CDI-discarded. 0.0
23. 3-501.18; Priority; Noted three large pans of lemon chicken had a discard date of 8/8 in the walk-in cooler. TCS foods held for more than 24 hours after prep/cooking or opening must be dated to indicate the day or date by which the product must be used or discarded and/or the date that the product was prepped/cooked. Items may be held for no more than 7 days with the day of prep counting as day one. CDI- EHS instructed PIC to discarded noted pans. 1.5
47. 4-501.11; Core;The top and bottom handles on the hot hold cabinet are damaged and need to be replaced. The Person-in-charge has ordered new door handles for the unit but has yet to install them. EQUIPMENT shall be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the requirements specified under Parts 4 1 and 4-2. 0.0
49. 4-602.13; Core; The hood baffles above the deep fryer unit need detail cleaning. Noted an accumulation of grease build-up coating baffles. Also noted an accumulation of residue build-up on the interior surface and condensor fan in the reach-in cooler units.NonFOOD-CONTACT SURFACES of EQUIPMENT shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues. 0.0
51. 5-205.15; Priority Foundation; The drain line underneath the front-end hand washing sink has a significant leak. PLUMBING SYSTEM shall be maintained in good repair. Person in charge stated they would have the drain repaired by the end of the day. 1.0
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View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 1155 Timber Dr E GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 04/26/2023
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
10. 5-205.11; Priority Foundation; Noted a large heating lamp blocking access to the rear handwashing sink. Also observed one food employee fill of a pitcher of water at the front end handwashing during time of inspection. All handwashing sink must be accessible at all times during operation. Handwashing sink must be designated for handwashing only. CDI- Instructed PIC to relocate heating lamp. Education provided to food employee. 1.0
39. 3-305.11; Core; Observed cases of food being stored on the floor in the walk-in freezer unit. All food items must be stored in a clean dry location and at least 6 inches above the floor to avoid the risk of contamination. 1.0
47. 4-501.11; Core;Noted the top and bottom handleS on the hot hold cabinet is damaged and needs to be replaced. Discussed replacing melted door handle during time of inspection. ) EQUIPMENT shall be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the requirements specified under Parts 4 1 and 4-2. 0.0
55. 6-501.12; Core; Observed some dust and litter build-up underneath the bulk ice machine unit. Also noted an accumulation of residue build-up along the hard to reach floor spaces behind the front-end hot hold cabinet unit. PHYSICAL FACILITIES shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. 0.0
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View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 1155 Timber Dr E GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 01/18/2023
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
15. 3-302.11; Observed containers of hot dog stored below raw pork chops in the tall reach in cooler unit. Ensure ready to eat food items are stored above raw animal proteins to avoid the risk of contamination. CDI- noted items rearranged during time of inspection. 0.0
16. 4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation;Observed some black organic build up on the interior surface of the soda machine nozzels. Ensure soda machine nozzels soaked, cleaned and sanitized. EQUIPMENT FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES and UTENSILS shall be clean to sight and touch. CDI- Instructed PIC to reclean soda machine nozzles. 1.5
41. 3-304.14; Core; Noted wet wiping cloths stored in 0 ppm chlorine sanitizer solution below the central prep table. Discussed ensuring wet wiping cloths are kept submerged in sanitizer solution in between use. Ensure concentration of chlorine sanitizer solution is maintained between 50-200 ppm. CDI- sanitizer solution remixed to 50 ppm during time of inspection. 0.5
47. 4-501.11; Core; Significant improvements made to phasing out rusted storage racks in the walk in cooler. Noted the bottom handle on the hot hold cabinet is damaged/ melted down and needs to be replaced. Discussed replacing melted door handle during time of inspection. ) EQUIPMENT shall be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the requirements specified under Parts 4 1 and 4-2. 0.0
51. 5-205.15; The handwashing sink located near the back of house is leaking at the drain line. Person in charge stated they are working to repair noted handwashing sink and will have repairs completed by the end of the day. PLUMBING SYSTEM shall be maintained in good repair. 1.0
55. 6-501.12; Core;Observed a heavy accumulation of grease and residue build up on the hoods and back splash at the deep fryer station. PHYSICAL FACILITIES shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. Do a detailed cleaning in the cooking area. 0.5
55. 6-501.12; Core; Observed accumulation of dust and grime build up underneath the 3 compartment sink and builk ice machine unit. PHYSICAL FACILITIES shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. 0.0
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL: https://www.wakegov.com/departments-government/environmental-health-safety/rules-and-resources
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 1155 Timber Dr E GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 10/19/2022
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
21. 3-501.16(A)(1) ; Priority; Found a container of mashed potatoes reading at 126-127 F in the hot hold box. Ensure TCS items are held at 135 F or above for hot holding. CDI- item reheated and placed back into hot holding. 1.5
28. 7-202.12; Priority; Noted spray bottles of Home Defense Fly/ insect control and ant killer found in chemical storage and near the rear entrance of the prep kitchen. Chemicals must be used according to manufacturers instructions. CDI: Instructed PIC removed chemicals.; Corrected During Inspection 1.0
41. 3-304.14; Core; Noted wet wiping cloths stored in 0 ppm chlorine sanitizer solution below the central prep table. Discussed ensuring wet wiping cloths are kept submerged in sanitizer solution in between use. Ensure concentration of chlorine sanitizer solution is maintained between 50-200 ppm. 0.5
47. 4-501.11; Core; The storage racks inside the walk in cooler are beginning to rust out. Discussed repaint with Epoxy paint or phasing-out/ replacing noted storage racks. 0.0
49. 4-601.11(B) and (C); Core; Observed residue build up along the storage racks inside the 3-door reach in cooler. Non-FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES of EQUIPMENT shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, FOOD residue, and other debris. 0.0
55. 6-501.12; Core; Observed an accumulation of grease and residue build up on the hoods and back splash at the deep fryer station. PHYSICAL FACILITIES shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. Do a detailed cleaning in the cooking area. 0.5
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Location: 1155 Timber Dr E GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 07/20/2022
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
16. 4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation; the slicer chopper equipment had dried debris in it, The ice machine has a large amount of debris inside of it and knives were hung on the magnetic holder with debris on them. (A) EQUIPMENT FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES and UTENSILS shall be clean to sight and touch. Pf with The ice machine and chopper were cleaned and sanitized. 1.5
21. 3-501.16(A)(1) ; Priority; One batch of wings in the oven hot holding were below 135 degrees. (A) Except during preparation, cooking, or cooling, or when time is used as the public health control as specified under sec.3 501.19, and except as specified under par. (B) and in par. (C ) of this section, POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) shall be maintained: (1) At 57oC (135oF) or above, except that roasts cooked to a temperature and for a time specified in par. 3 401.11(B) or reheated as specified in par. 3-403.11(E) may be held at a temperature of 54oC (130oF) or above; P or Predefined Comment Spoke to the manager and he reheated the wings that were below 135 degrees. 1.5
41. 3-304.14; Core; upon arrival there was a wiping cloth bucket in the kitchen. It was tested and there was not any sanitizer in the bucket. For chlorine the concentration shall be 50-200 ppm. The manager went to the 3 comp sink and dispensed 50-200 ppm for sanitizer. 0.5
55. 6-501.12; Core; the hoods in the kitchen are dusty, there is grease in the hoods.(A) PHYSICAL FACILITIES shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. Do a detailed cleaning in the cooking area. 0.5
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL: https://www.wakegov.com/departments-government/environmental-health-safety/rules-and-resources
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 1155 Timber Dr E GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 02/16/2022
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
6. 2-401.11; Core; Employee drinks in the prep areas next to clean equipment and single service articles. Store employee drinks in designated areas where the contamination of exposed food, clean equipment, utensils, linens, single service articles can not result. The drinks were moved away from the above areas. 0.5
15. 3-302.11; Priority Foundation; Priority; Raw shrimp that has been opened next to fries and hush puppies in the upright refrigeration unit. Store all food according to final cook temperatures in refrigeration and freezer units once opened. The above items were rearranged. 1.5
37. 3-302.12; Core; Unlabeled sugar and flour. Label all dry ingredients once removed from original containers such as flour, oils, herbs, salt, spices and sugar with the common name of the food. The above items were labeled. 0.0
39. 3-305.11; Core; Many uncovered foods in the walk-in cooler and in the upright refrigeration unit. A scoop with no handle is stored in the sugar. Bags of corn meal and flour are open. Food shall be protected from contamination by storing food in a clean dry location. Store food where it is not exposed to splash, dust or other contamination. 1.0
44. 4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core; Storing utensils in a drawer with fuses and a box cutting knife. Store utensils where they are not exposed to splash, dust or other contamination. Store utensils in a clean dry location. 0.0
49. 4-602.13; Core; Hood has some build up. Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues. 0.0
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL: https://www.wakegov.com/departments-government/environmental-health-safety/rules-and-resources

No signature of recipient due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 1155 Timber Dr E GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 12/30/2021
Score: 98.5

#  Comments Points
5. 2-501.11; Priority Foundation; Facility does not have written procedures for vomiting or diarrheal clean up events. Provide written procedures for employees to follow for vomiting or diarrheal clean up events. Written procedures were emailed to the manager. 0.0
16. 4-501.114; Priority; No sanitizer provided in a spray bottle or wiping cloth bucket. Provide sanitizer solution mixed to the manufacturer's specified concentration. Sanitizer solution was mixed to the proper concentration during the inspection. 1.5
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL: https://www.wakegov.com/departments-government/environmental-health-safety/rules-and-resources

No signature of recipient due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 1155 Timber Dr E GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 08/12/2021
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
General Comments
No signature of recipient due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 1155 Timber Dr E GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 04/30/2021
Score: 95.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
No signature of recipient due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 1155 Timber Dr E GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 11/18/2020
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
General Comments
No signature of recipient due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 1155 Timber Dr E GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 08/13/2020
Score: 95.5

#  Comments Points
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