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GARNER, NC 27529

Facility Type: Child Day Care

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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 09/09/2024
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 02/13/2024
Score: 2

#  Comments Points
31. Tricycles used for outside play were stored in the class bathroom of room 216. Bathrooms are not clean storage locations. Play items stored in class bathrooms can become a means of transfer for communicable disease pathogens including stomach flu. Please remove. 2.0
General Comments
Water sampling for lead will be due again in the pre-k classrooms by April 13, 2024. If the pre-k water sampling for lead has not been completed by the time of the next facility sanitation inspection the sanitation classification would drop to provisional status and if not corrected the classification would become disapproved. Completion of the lead water sampling and testing for the pre-k classrooms is a priority. There is no permanent carpeting in the pre-k classrooms. These rooms have only tile floors.
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 09/28/2023
Score: 2

#  Comments Points
49. Repair and replace loose and cracked roof panels on the play shelter on the pre-k class playground. Repairs for safety are needed to verify that the shelter roof panels are fastened securely. Cracked or broken roof panels on the shelter should be replaced. 2.0
General Comments
Water sampling for lead in the pre-k classrooms will be due again by April 13, 2024. There is no permanent carpeting in both of the pre-k classrooms. Pre-k classrooms sanitation inspection completed.
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 03/27/2023
Score: 4

#  Comments Points
37. The wall in restroom 212 is flaking paint. It may have some water damage. Have repaired if needed and repainted. 4.0
General Comments
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 09/12/2022
Score: 10

#  Comments Points
16. Tempered water is up to 112F in room 212 restroom hand sink. Tempered water at hand sinks shall be between 80-110F. 4.0
17. Tempered water at the hand sink in room 216 restroom is 121F. Hot water in excess of 120F is a burn hazard in areas accessible to children. 6.0
General Comments
This childcare is in provisional status. A reinspection will be conducted by September 19th. Preschool director's signed hand written copy due to DHD was not working.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 02/25/2022
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
21. The hand sink in the restroom in room 212 is not working. The hot water faucet in the restroom in room 216 is leaking. Hand sinks shall be in good repair. Staff stated a work order has been for these hand sinks. 4.0
26. Disinfecting solution is above 2000ppm of chlorine in the spray bottle in room 216 restroom. Disinfecting solution shall be mixed to 1,000ppm for chlorine during COVID and between 500-800ppm after COVID. This solution was remixed. 2.0
General Comments
No signature of recipient due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 10/05/2021
Score: 3

#  Comments Points
20. Water testing has been completed. Results are 0.71 for shared kitchen and 0.26 for cafeteria. 0.0
30. Two containers of lotion are stored less than 5 feet high in classroom 216. Non-hazardous products including non-aerosol lotion and hand sanitizer shall be stored 5 feet or higher. The lotion was placed above 5 feet during the inspection. 3.0
General Comments
No signature of recipient due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 05/11/2021
Score: 2

#  Comments Points
20. Water testing has been completed. Results are 0.71 for shared kitchen and 0.26 for cafeteria. 0.0
26. The disinfectant in room 212 was around 200ppm.- A disinfectant solution shall be made at the proper concentration (500-800ppm).- CDI, the disinfectant was made again to proper temperature. 2.0
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2019, childcare centers are required to test all water outlets used for drinking or food preparation. Initial samples shall be collected by the childcare center within one year of the effective date of this Rule (.2816). Non-compliance with this Rule on the initial inspection on/after October 1, 2020 will result in a general comment. Subsequent inspections with non-compliance to this Rule will be assessed 6-demerits. For free, initial testing, please contact RTI International (https://www.cleanwaterforcarolinakids.org/).
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 11/19/2020
Score: 2

#  Comments Points
26. The test strips used for making disinfectant are expired.- A test kit for ensuring proper concentration of disinfectant shall be available when required.- Please get new test strips. 2.0
General Comments
PIC cannot sign due to COVID-19 concerns.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 10/29/2019
Score: 4

#  Comments Points
37. In room 212 there are cracks in the walls and paint starting to peel/chip around the handsink area. In room 216 on the wall near the handwash station a dispenser was removed from the wall leaving small holes. 4.0
General Comments
Since pre-k is not using kitchen for preparing/cooking food, door can remain unlocked unless water temperatures exceed 110. Please turn water temperatures down so that door can remain unlocked.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 10/24/2019
Score: 10

#  Comments Points
29. In room 212 there was two containers of Clorox wipes in unlocked storage. In the kitchen area there was dishwasher pods and a bottle of cascade in unlocked storage.- All items were moved to locked storage. 6.0
37. In room 212 there are cracks in the walls and paint starting to peel/chip around the handsink area. In room 216 on the wall near the handwash station a dispenser was removed from the wall leaving small holes. 4.0
General Comments
since pre-k is not using kitchen for preparing/cooking food, door can remain unlocked unless water temperatures exceed 110. Please turn water temperatures down so that door can remain unlocked.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 03/18/2019
Score: 11

#  Comments Points
12. the thermometer inside the refrigerator in room 212 is not holding temps at 45 degrees. The thermometer has been turned as cold as it will go. If temps do not reach 45 degrees, the refrigerator may need to be serviced or replaced. Holding less milk/juice cartons in the refrigerator may also help keep the air temperature down. TCS/ready to eat foods shall be held at 45 degrees and below. 4.0
26. the disinfectant solution in the bathroom in room 216 was too strong. Disinfectant solutions shall be held at 500-800 ppm for bleach. The disinfectant bottle was weakened to 500-800 ppm for bleach. 2.0
32. in room 212 and 216 coats and backpacks were hanging over and touching the child`s backpack in the cubby next to them. Separate coats and back packs so the neighboring ones do not touch each other. 3.0
39. in both room 212/216 there is dust on the blinds and in the window wills. Equipment shall be clean. Dust these areas. 2.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 10/01/2018
Score: 8

#  Comments Points
12. at the beginning of inspection the milk in the refrigerator was 46 degrees and the ambient air temp was 49 degrees. Dial was turned down colder and the unit was pulled out from the wall and ambient air temps recovered to 43 degrees. Refrigerator equipment shall hold TCS foods/liquids temps at 45 degrees and below. 4.0
34. the rose colored vinyl seat has a few torn spots on it. Replace this over time. 0.0
37. ceiling tile in the storage closet has water damage and the paint is peeling on the wall underneath it. Repeat from the last inspection. Work order has been placed for this project. Walls and ceilings shall be in good repair. 4.0
49. underneath the play structure outside and underneath the turf carpet there are large roots from a nearby tree that may eventually be a trip hazard for children on the playground. Have this area evaluated. 0.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 06/12/2018
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
37. There is one ceiling tile in the storage closet with a stain from water damage and the wall under that section has peeling paint. The walls and ceiling shall be clean and in good repair; free of peeling paint. Please submit a work order for repairs. 0.0
General Comments
*Melodee Wallace Johnson - 919.609.1783 - melodee.johnson@wakegov.com*
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 06/06/2018
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
4. Milk was being stored in the refrigerator with an ambient air temperature of 50F and was already on the lowest setting. Beverages requiring refrigeration must be maintained at 45F or below. Ms. Elliot voluntarily discarded all the milk. A follow up visit will be made within 7 days to ensure that the refrigerator maintains an ambient air temperature of 45F or below. 6.0
37. There is one ceiling tile in the storage closet with a stain from water damage and the wall under that section has peeling paint. The walls and ceiling shall be clean and in good repair; free of peeling paint. Please submit a work order for repairs. 0.0
General Comments
*Melodee Wallace Johnson - 919.609.1783 - melodee.johnson@wakegov.com*
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 08/29/2017
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
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Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 02/09/2017
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 05/06/2016
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
29. Comment: During inspection, Liquid Paper was found in the cabinet in the storage closet, both were unlocked. Liquid Paper has warnings beyond Keep Out of Reach of Children and must be locked up. The Liquid Paper was removed from the cabinet and locked in the chemical storage in the kitchen during inspection. 0.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 10/01/2015
Score: 2

#  Comments Points
29. Comment: In the kitchen, which is shared by other school employees besides the pre-k program, there were some chemicals (cleaner and dish washing detergent) stored under the sink that should be stored in a locked cabinet or storage room. The kitchen door is kept locked but any chemicals labeled with warnings beyond "Keep out of reach of children" must be stored in a locked cabinet or storage room. Items were moved and properly locked up during inspection. 0.0
30. Comment: A spray bottle was found under the classroom handsink but was not labeled; according to teacher, the bottle contained water for outside play. Make sure to label all spray bottles with their contents. 0.0
49. The sandbox on the playground has a tarp but the tarp was not properly covering the sandbox. When not in use, sandboxes should be covered. May need to add hooks or straps to help keep the tarp secured onto the sandbox. 2.0
General Comments
The refrigerator in the kitchen is not used for any food or beverages for the pre-k program, it is only used for staff food and beveragers. Recommend labeling the refrigerator as "Staff Only".
Make sure to follow use instructions on test strips used for testing sanitizer and disinfecting solutions to insure that solutions are at proper concentrations after mixing.
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 05/07/2015
Score: 7

#  Comments Points
2. Need to work on handwashing. One child observed not washing hands for at least 15 seconds then turn the water off with his hand. Hands should be washed using warm water and soap, lathering and washing for at least 15 seconds, rinsing, then using a paper towel or other barrier to turn off water to prevent recontamination of clean hands. Discussed with teacher during inspection. 5.0
7. Comment: A thermometer is needed in the refrigerator. 0.0
23. Some outside use toys are stored in the bathroom, do not store non-bathroom items in the restrooms. 2.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 09/02/2014
Score: 2

#  Comments Points
29. Comment: In the kitchen, laundry detergents and bleach were stored in unlocked cabinets above the washing machine/dryer. The kitchen remains locked but is not considered a storage room. Any chemicals with warnings beyond keep out of reach of children must be stored in a locked storage room or cabinet. The chemicals were moved and properly stored during inspection. 0.0
49. On the Pre-K playground, there is evidence of standing water and significant runoff flow. There is a storm drain on the playground, but at the time of inspection, the drain was covered with about 2 inches of washed soil. According to Pre-K teacher, there is significant standing water on the playground after it rains. Outdoor learning environments, such as playgrounds, must be kept clean and drained to minimize standing water. Efforts need to be made to clean the drain and keep it clear and free of run off debris, soil, etc. 2.0
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Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 11/13/2013
Score: 5

#  Comments Points
2. Observed child washing hands, handwashing was good but the child used his bare hand to turn off the water. After washing hands, water should be turned off using a papertowel or other mechanical means, such as an elbow. 5.0
General Comments
29) In the storage closet, which was unlocked, found rubber cement in an uncabinet. The rubber cement is a hazardous material and should be stored in a locked cabinet or storage room. Spoke with teacher and the storage closet door was locked during inspection.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 05/21/2013
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
29. Keep bleach and Sani-Hands in locked cabinets. Check the warning labels on products. If it says "Keep out of reach of children" and NO other warning, the product can be kept at 5 feet or higher. If it says ANYTHING OTHER THAN "Keep out of reach of children", the product must be kept locked ( Sani-Hands, for example, is flammable ). This also applies to things like air fresheners, white-out, parfumes... 0.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 450 CREECH RD ROOM 216 GARNER, NC 27529
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 04/29/2013
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
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Red Denotes Critical Violation
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